
臺灣豫劇團105年度 新對花槍 劇目





你敢不愛我?! 《新對花槍》。王海玲、朱海珊,大師鉅獻。 縱使早已兒孫滿堂,我對你情意依舊。 只是你,可曾將這份情意放在心頭? 日夜殷盼四十年,青絲久候成白頭, 夫妻不打不相識,花槍姻緣化舊仇。 臺灣豫劇團經典豫劇《新對花槍》,自1989年國家戲劇院首演後,睽違近三十年舞臺重現,國家文藝獎得主王海玲與豫劇第一小生朱海珊,兩位大師攜手演出,2016高雄春藝好戲登場,再現迷人風采! 瓦崗山寨主程咬金,一手三板斧耍得虎虎生風,抵抗隋朝暴政他帶頭,唯一的小缺點是怕老婆。漂撇男子漢如他,最近多了一樁麻煩事……。麾下大將羅藝家事擺不平,兒子孫子一齊上門來認親,親家易結,冤家難解,看他程咬金如何化危機為轉機! 四十年來,姜桂枝一直都在等一個人。那一年,她一十九,他二十一。她,是父母掌上明珠,姜家花槍的掌門人;他,是病倒路邊、奄奄一息的落魄應試生。她對他一見鍾情,不顧雙親反對,執意委身下嫁,幸福生活卻只有三年效期;直到腹中兒立身揚名、孫子長成,時光悠悠過,她,還在癡癡等。 四十年了,羅藝久未謀面的結髮妻,離鄉赴考一別之後,未曾相見;料想不到,夫妻重逢,雙方居然得執槍較勁比個高下。 愛難留、情猶在,能否順利再續前緣?前提是,得打贏才行! How dare you not love me?! " A Reunion of Spears " Featuring: Wang Hailing, Zhu Haishan Even as my son and grandson have grown, my love for you has not changed. And you? Did you ever care how much I loved you? Constant waiting for forty years has turned her hair all white; The spears must cross before the pair can reunite. Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company’s classic Yu opera “A Reunion of Spears” , first performed at the National Theater in 1989, will receive its first revival in nearly thirty years. Starring National Award for Arts winner Wang Hailing and the leading Yu opera actress Zhu Haishan, this presentation at the 2016 Kaohsiung Spring Arts Festival will bring the captivating brilliance of this great story back to life. Wielding a fearsome battle axe, the Wagang brigand chief Cheng Yaojin leads a rebellion against the tyrannical Sui dynasty. His only weak spot: a nagging wife. But now there’s new trouble brewing for the dashing hero. His general Luo Yi cannot keep the peace between his former wife, their son and grandson. Falling in love is easy, but making up is hard! Can Cheng Yaojin solve this crisis? For forty years, Jiang Guizhi has waited patiently for one man. When they met, she was only 19, the apple of her parents’ eye, and the leader of the Jiang Spear League. He was just 21, a young scholar heading to the capital for the Imperial exam when sudden illness left him nearly dead by the roadside. She fell for him at first sight, marrying him over her parents’ objections. But their bliss was to last only three years. Since then, forty more have passed. Her son and grandson have all grown up. And still, she obstinately waits and waits… Since he left home to take the Imperial exam, Luo Yi has not seen his first wife. Forty years have passed. How could he expect that a contest of spears would bring them together again? It is difficult to love, it is harder to let go. Will they be able to rekindle their former romance? It all depends on who wins the battle!