
臺灣豫劇團105年度 蘭若寺 劇目





《蘭若寺》,幽明間,夏夜私語。蕭揚玲、劉建華,鏡照初心。 他,暖男書呆寧采臣, 她,嬌俏幽魂聶小倩, 他,除妖劍客燕赤霞, 詭祕難辨的蘭若寺,將他們的命運連結在一起。妖霧瀰漫中,慾望油然而生,映照內心真實,誰都無法逃脫。 他對她,是愛情還是同情?他對他,是敬畏還是渴求?臺灣豫劇團青春劇作《蘭若寺》,撩撥為愛蠢蠢欲動的心靈! 電影《倩女幽魂》浪漫淒美的人鬼生死戀,勾勒多少癡情風月。到了戲曲舞臺,聶小倩、寧采臣、燕赤霞等人,又將變成什麼模樣?2016年高雄春天藝術節,臺灣豫劇團為你開啟人鬼分際,探求愛情第六感生死戀。 寧采臣不是路癡,只是沒有方向感而已,但天無絕人之路,當他迷途時,都會出現好心人指引正路,像是俏皮可愛的小倩姑娘,或是任俠好義的赤霞大哥;不妙的是,正路不走偏向妖道行,分不清東南西北之際……誰能搭救他平安下山? 聶小倩覺得寧采臣是超級大笨蛋!費盡千辛萬苦指引他一條生路。不料他東彎西拐,還是進了蘭若寺!?她心儀他,不願他魂斷異鄉,姥姥卻一再進逼,該如何留住這份純愛? 斬妖除魔,是燕赤霞的終生職志,他曾以為自己是無欲無求之人;妖霧揚起,內心積埋已久的欲望脫閘而出,而他,再也無力抵抗……。 蘭若寺內,生死一瞬……唯願君心同我心? " At Aranya Temple " - In the flickering light, secret whispers linger in the summer night. Featuring: Xian Yangling, Liu Jianhua   One man - a gentle and bookish scholar, Ning Caichen; One woman – the charming and lovely spirit, Nie Xiaoqian; And one more – the professional swordsman who slays evil spirits, Yan Chixia.   In the eerie and haunted Aranya Temple, their fates will intertwine. In the ghostly fog, human desire springs forth; no one can escape the light which reveals their true heart. Is it love that he feels for her, or pity? Is it veneration he feels for him, or desire? The Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company proudly presents: “At Aranya Temple”, a brand new opera about young affection, restless desire, and the eternal pursuit of love.   The classic film “A Chinese Ghost Story” immortalized this sad yet beautiful romance between man and ghost. Have you ever wondered what Ning Caichen, Nie Xiaoqian, and Yan Chixia might look like on the operatic stage? Then don’t miss the latest production from the Taiwan Bangzi Opera Company at the 2016 Kaohsiung Arts Festival, where the living and the dead mingle in an enchanting, captivating, and enticing love story.   Ning Caichen is not an idiot, he just has a very poor sense of direction. Luckily, he can always count on the charming and lovely Lady Xiaoqian or valiant and chivalrous Brother Chixia to guide him on his way. But can they safely see him through the mountains’ treacherous paths and labyrinthine ways?   Nie Xiaoqian is quite convinced that Ning Caichen is a complete fool. She had taken great pains to find a safe road for him to travel. God only knows how he managed to stray into the Aranya Temple! She adores him and does not want to see him perish in this desolate spot. Beset by the evil demon Lao Lao, how can she protect this innocent love of hers?   Yan Chixia has devoted his life to slaying evil spirits. Once, he believed he was free from human lust and want. But as the mists gather in the ghostly temple, he finds himself powerless against his heart’s long-suppressed desires. Inside Aranya Temple, this is the moment of life and death…all I want is your love.