
臺灣豫劇團104年度大戲豫莎劇 天問 劇目





2015年度大戲 豫莎劇三部曲《天問》 "Questioning Heaven" A Bangzi Opera Adaptation of King Lear 至尊女皇世罕見,莎翁無語問蒼天? 改編自莎士比亞《李爾王》彭鏡禧譯注本 《天問》改編自莎士比亞《李爾王》。豫劇皇后王海玲擔綱「女李爾」,演繹身陷權勢、倫理盲點的女皇,如何走向悲劇終局。此劇討論親情與家國、私欲與公義、人倫與天命,以精彩詩文及獨特隱喻風格,刻畫悲歡離合和善惡果報,探究愛欲、寬恕、人性本質與存在的終極意義等永恆命題。

計畫成果資料:"Questioning Heaven" is adapted from Shakespeare's "King Lear" . In this tragedy Wang Hai-ling, the diva also known as "the Queen of Bangzi Opera", is an empress who gets caught up in power struggles of her own making at both family and state levels. In exquisite poetry with unique, subtle metaphors, the play treats kinship and nationhood, egotism and public interest, human relationship and providence, crime and punishment, love and lust, hatred and forgiveness—in short, the eternal themes of humanity and its multifarious ultimate concerns.